01566 784050
Trebullet Methodist Church
Mission Statement: Our mission is to embrace and share the encompassing love of God through Jesus
Due to the Virus Pandemic there are currently no services at the church. For further information please go to www.lamc.org.uk
Minister: Revd Jo Smart
Services: 11.00 am - please check Circuit Plan for details.
First and third Sunday in the month 'KIDZALOUD'
All children can come and join in the fun - all the leaders have been DBS checked
Contact Person:
Jeremy Stephens 01566 782008
Mrs Ruth Burden. 01566 782286
Trebullett Methodist Church is situated in the centre of the village about 6 miles from Launceston. The church building was established over 200 years ago and aims to care for the church family and community.
A hall, with all facilities, is available for many community activities. Current users are Tots and Tea, Art Group, Short Mat Bowls, Funfit, Lunch Club and more.